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Sa (स) - this

Shabda (शब्द) - word / sound

Shabdhaadi (शब्दादि) - sound and others

Shabda jnaana (शब्द ज्ञान) - verbal knowledge

Sabija (सबीज) - with seed

Shachi (शची) - wife of Indra

Sadaa (सदा) - always

Sadaajnaataa (सदाज्ञाता) - ever alert and aware

Sadaanandaachaarya (सदानंदाचार्य) - pupil of Shri Shankaraachaarya also known as Padmapaadaachaarya as he had lotus print on his feet, he used to walk on water

Saadhaka (साधक) - aspirant / practitioner

Saadhanaa (साधना) - practice

Saadhanaa paada (साधना पाद) - second chapter of Yoga Sutras

Saadhaarana (साधारण) - common to all

Saguna (सगुण) - good or virtuous qualities

Sah (सः) - that

Sahabhuvah (सहभुवः) - concurrent / side by side

Sahaja (सहज) - natural

Saharaara (सहस्रार) - thousand petalled energy chakra at crown Centre

Sahita (सहित) - deliberate

Saai baabaa (साईं बाबा) - 20th century saint of Shirdi

Shaithilya (शैथिल्य) - laxity

Saakshaatkaarana (साक्षात्कारण) - to see directly with one’s eyes and mind

Shakti (शक्ति) - power / capacity / faculty

Saalambana (सालम्बन) - with support

Samaadhi (समाधि) - putting together / profound meditation / eighth limb of ashtanga yoga

Samaadhi paada (समाधि पाद) - first chapter of Yoga Sutras

Samadhi parinaama (समाधि परिणाम) - transformation towards tranquility

Samaadhi samskaara (समाधि संस्कार) - imprints of tranquility

Samaahita chitta (समाहित चित्त) - cultured or stable consciousness

Samaana (समान) - praana vaayu that governs navel region

Samaapattia (समापत्ति) - transformation / contemplation / assuming the original form

Samaapti (समाप्ति) - the end

Samaya (समय) - condition / circumstances / time

Sambandha (संबंध) - relationship

Samhananatva (संहननत्व) - compactness / firmness

Samhatya (संहत्व) - well knitted / firmly united

Samjna (संज्ञा) - resolution / understanding / knowledge

Saamkhya (सांख्य) - minuteness / precision / one of the six Indian philosophies that enumerate the principles of nature and soul

Sampat (सम्पत) - wealth / perfection

Samprajnaata (सम्प्रज्ञात) - distinguish / know actually

Samprajnaata Samaapattia (सम्प्रज्ञात समापत्ति) - untinged transformation of the consciousness

Samprayoga (सम्प्रयोग) - communion

Samskaara (संस्कार) - subliminal impressions

Samskaara phala (संस्कार फल) - effect of subliminal impressions

Samskaara sheshah (संस्कार शेषः) - balance of subliminal impressions

Samvedana (संवेदन) - perception / consciousness / understanding / to be known / to be understood

Samvega (संवेग) - cheerful / quick

Samyama (संयम) - holding together / integration

Samyama yoga (संयम योग) - yoga of integration

Saamyataa (साम्यता) - equanimity

Saamye (साम्ये) - being equal

Samyoga (संयोग) - union

Saananda (सानंद) - unalloyed bliss

Sanchita Karma (संचित कर्म) - merit or demerit accumulated from past lives

Sangha (संघ) - association coming together

Sanghritatva (संघृतत्व) - help together

Sanjivani (संजीवनी) - a plant that restores life

Shankaraachaarya (शंकराचार्य) - 8th century teacher who expounded the advaita philosophy

Shankarah (शङ्करः) - commingle / intermixture / confusion

Sankirna (संकीर्ण) - strewn / pounded together

Sannidhau (सन्निधौ) - vicinity

Sanyaasaashram (सन्यासाश्रम) - fourth stage of religious order in which all worldly possessions and affections are relinquished

Sanyaasi (सन्यासी) - one who renounces all worldly possessions / an ascetic

Shaanta (शांत) - appeased / calmed / pacified

Santosha (संतोष) - contentment

Saptadhaa (सप्तधा) - sevenfold

Saptarshi (सप्तर्षि) - 7 rishis or great sages - Agastya, Angirasa, Atri, Bharadvaaj, Jamadagni, Kashyapa, Vashishtha

Shaaradaa (शारदा) - a monastery built at shringeri by Adi Shankaraachaarya in honor of Bharati, the wife of Mandana Mishra

Sharira (शरीर) - body

Sharira Jnaana (शरीर ज्ञान) - Knowledge of the Body

Sharira prajnaa (शरीर प्रज्ञा) - awareness of the body

Sharmishthaa (शर्मिष्ठा) - daughter of the king of demons and wife of Yayaati

Sarpa (सर्प) - snake / to go fast

Sarpobhav (सर्पोभव) - become a snake

Saarupyam (सारूप्यं) - closeness / likeness / nearness

Sarvabhaumaah (सार्वभौमाः) - universal 

Sarvajna (सर्वज्ञ) - all-knowing / omniscient / all-wise

Sarvam (सर्वं) - whole / all

Sarvaarthaa (सर्वार्था) - wholly / in all ways / at all times

Sarvaartham सर्वार्थम) - all-pervading

Sarvaarthataa (सर्वार्थता) - all or many pointedness

Saasmitaa (सस्मिता) - sense of saatvik individuality

Shaastras (शास्त्रः) - treatises

Sat (सत) - being / pure

Satchidaananda (सत्चिदानंद) - pure unalloyed bliss

Sati (सति) - being / being accomplished

Saatkaara (सात्कार) - dedication / devotion

Sattva (सत्त्व) - luminosity / white / pure

Sattva buddhi (सत्त्व बुद्धि) - illuminative intelligence

Sattvaapatti (सत्त्वापत्ति) - experiencing pure sattva

Sattvashuddhi (सत्त्वशुद्धि) - purity in sattva 

Satya (सत्य) - truthfulness / honest / faithful / one of the five Yamas

Satyaloka (सत्यलोक) - one of the seven aerial regions

Shaicha (शौच) - cleanliness / purity

Shavaasana (शवासन) - relaxing asana that resembles a corpse

Savichaara (सविचार) - right reflection / deliberation / consideration

Savitarkaa (सवितर्का) - right analysis

Siddha (सिद्ध) - the perfect being

Siddhi vidyaa (सिद्धि विद्या) - knowledge of attainments

Siddhih (सिद्धिः) - attainment / perfection

Shilam (शीलं) - virtue

Shirshaasana (शीर्षासन) - headstand

Shiva (शिव) - the destroyer / the third deity of the Hindu triad / auspicious / prosperous

Shiva samhitaa (शिव संहिता) - A classical text on Hatha Yoga

Smaya (स्मय) - wonder

Smriti (स्मृति) - memory / recollection

Sopakrama (सोपक्रम) - immediate effects of actions

Sparsha (स्पर्ष) - touch

Shraddhaa (श्रद्धा) - faith / reverence / confidence

Shravana (श्रवण) - faculty of hearing

Shrimad bhaagavatam (श्रीमद भागवतम) - one of the sacred puranas

Shringri (श्रृंगेरी) - a place of worship in South India

Shrotra (श्रोत्र) - organ of hearing

Stambha (स्तंभ) - restraint / suspension

Stambha vritti (स्तंभ वृत्ति) - act of holding the breath

Sthairya (स्थैर्य) - steadiness / immovability

Sthaana (स्थान) - position / rank

Sthira (स्थिर) - firm

Sthita (स्थित) - constant / steady

Sthita prajnaa (स्थित प्रज्ञा) - a perfect yogi / a steadfast person

Sthula (स्थूल) - gross

Styaana ( स्त्यान) - languor / sluggishness / lack of interest

Shubhachhaa (शुभेच्छा) - right desire

Shuchi (शुचि) - pure

Shuddha buddhi (शुद्ध बुद्धि) - pure intelligence

Shudhan (शुधन) - a pure person

Shuddhi (शुद्धि) - cleanliness / purity

Shudra (शूद्र) - working class / one of the four varnas of classes of Hinduism

Shuka (शुक) - son of Vyaasa

Sukha (सुख) - happiness

Shukla (शुक्ल) - white

Shukra (शुक्र) - semen / one of the seven constituents of the body

Shukraachaarya (शुक्राचार्य) - preceptor of the demons and the inventor of the elixir of life

Sukshma (सूक्ष्म) - subtle / soft / fine / minute

Sukshma sharira (सूक्ष्म शरीर) - subtle body

Sukshmottama (सूक्ष्मोत्तम) - subtlest of the subtle

Surya (सूर्य) - sun

Surya sthaana (सूर्य स्थान) - energy centre for sympathetic nervous system

Sushumna (सुषुम्न) - nadi or the psychic channel that controls central nervous system

Sushupti (सुषुप्ति) - sleep

Sushuptyaavastha (सुषुप्त्यावस्था) - state of sleep

Sutala (सुतल) - one of the seven nether worlds

Suvarloka (सुवर्लोक) - one of the seven aerial worlds

Sva (स्व) - one’s own

Svaabhaasam (स्वाभासम) - self-illuminative

Svaadhishthaana Chakra (स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र) - energy centre situated above the organ of generation

Svaadhyaaya (स्वाध्याय) - study of the self / study of the spiritual scriptures

Svapna (स्वप्न) - dream

Svapnaavasthaa (स्वप्नावस्था) - dream filled state

Svarasavaahi (स्वरसवाही) - current of love of life

Svarasavaahini (स्वरसवाहिनी) - flow of the fragrance of consciousness

Svaartha (स्वार्थ) - one's own / self interest

Svarupa (स्वरूप) - one’s own state / of true form

Svarupamaatrajyoti (स्वरूपमातृज्योति) - light of one’s own form / one’s visage / one’s own sight

Svarupa shunya (स्वरूप शून्य) - devoid of one’s nature

Shvaasa (श्वास) - inbreath / inhalation

Shvaasa prashvaasa (श्वास प्रश्वास) - irregular respiration

Svayambhu (स्वयंभू) - incarnation by one’s own will (svayam - of one’s own account, bhu - existent)

Svayambhulingam (स्वयम्भूलिंगम) - symbol of the self in Muladhaara Chakra / the unconscious mind and body

Swami (स्वामी) - owner / master / lord / seer

Swami raamdaas (स्वामी रामदास) - saint of maharashtra

Syat (स्यत) - would happen

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