Ichhaa (इच्छा)- will
Ichhaa Prajna / pragyaa (इच्छा प्रज्ञा)- knowledge of the will
Ida (इड़ा)- nadi of moon / nadi of sympathetic nervous system
Indra (इन्द्र)- the lord of heaven
Indriya (इन्द्रिय)- sense of perception / organ of action / mind
Indriyamaya (इन्द्रियमय)- oneness with senses
Ishah (ईशः)- God
Ishatva (ईशत्व)- supremacy overall / one of the eight supernatural powers
Ishta devataa (इष्ट देवता)- the desired deity
Ishvara (ईश्वर)- God / Lord
Ishvara Pranidhaana (ईश्वर प्रणिधान)- surrender of oneself to God (Pra- fullness / ni- under / dhaana- placement)
Ishvara tattva (ईश्वर तत्त्व )- cosmic causal body of sound / parabindu
Itaratra (इतरत्र)- at other times / elsewhere
Iti (इति)- that is all / thus
Itralingam (इत्रलिंगम )- lingam situated in ajna chakra
Iva (इव)- like / as it were / as if / appearance