-Dec 3, 20223 min1.37 Be Like Water, my friend.A practitioner can become stuck on the person they are contemplating upon. The goal of the practice may be lost.
-Dec 16, 20215 min1.33 People, People Everywhere"Hell is just - other people" - Jean-Paul Sartre, No Exit
-Sep 11, 20214 min1.31 Watch out for the Signs The body, breath and mind are always telling us when there is something wrong and needs to be corrected. Watch out.
-Sep 4, 20214 min1.30 The ChallengeThe first step to solving a problem is to know and accept there is a problem.
-Sep 1, 20212 min1.29 The Power of Mantra The Mantra does not ensure smooth sailing, but ensures sure sailing.
-Aug 28, 20212 min1.28 The Secret of Mantra A Mantra holds power - the secret lies in harnessing the power.
-Aug 21, 20211 min1.26 The MasterThe importance of the Master is finally mentioned by Maharishi Patanjali in this sutra. After giving us the aim of Yoga...
-Aug 4, 20218 minHatha Yoga Pradipika - AsanasHatha Pradipika, authored by Swami Swatmarama, commonly known as Hatha Yoga Pradipika gives 15 asanas in detail
-Jul 30, 20219 minQUESTIONING THE QUEST! only for him to see whom he was about to fight, and the very moment of Vishad Yoga, the despondency (vishad) and the joining (yoga).